С новыми продуктами МЫ еще быстрее станем миллионерами!

08.02.2014 18:14
С новыми продуктами МЫ еще быстрее станем миллионерами! 
(рекомендую спользовать переводчик от Яндекс)
TELEXMOBILE launch the imminent launch of TelexMobile is increasingly closer to commercialization is only a matter of time, the company TelexFREE bet very strong for this new product, who along with his 99 TelexFREE product and the new application for Smart puts pretends to be a clear competitor to multinational companies that occupy the top of traffic and popularityHere you have some pictures of the platform used for the marketing of this new product, compensation plans and prices of this product will be announced shortly by TelexFREE INC.
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